While the loss of nipple feeling still poses a risk associated with breast enlargement Perth, the Periareolar incision increases the risk. The nerve that causes the areolar sensation of the nipple is located at the edge of the areola where the Periareolar incisions are made. An inframammary cut is made in the crease where your chest meets your chest, just below the top of your nipple.
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This type of incision is ideal when a breast lift is performed in conjunction with an implant. This traditional approach to breast augmentation allows the plastic surgeon a good view when creating soft tissue pockets.
Breast augmentation Periareolar
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Since the incision is made into the areola, many patients are concerned about breastfeeding after a Periareolar breast augmentation. While there is some risk in this operation, the risk that the incisions in the donut will affect the ability to breastfeed is very low.
As the nerves and milk ducts penetrate the nipple from below, an experienced surgeon should avoid cutting them during breast augmentation because of the risk of injury. Due to the pigmented areolar skin and the transaxillary incision in the armpit area, breastfeeding can be performed in many different ways.
The umbilical incision is used to insert saline implants into the submuscular pocket via a long metal tube. As a result, plastic surgery specialists have largely abandoned the procedure, as it is limited to a limited number of patients at high risk for breast cancer and other complications.
The Periareolar incision is made exactly where the darker – coloured skin meets the lighter – skin. It is far from the nipple-areolar complex and therefore less likely to be contaminated by normal skin bacteria that live on the nipples and subcutaneous milk channels.
This method of incision has a few advantages:
- The wound is typically very well camouflaged, often so well that it is nearly invisible, due to the thickness and darker colour of the areola border.
- Since the incision point is very close to the site of the implant, it makes it easier for plastic surgeons to monitor the bleeding during surgery and to insert the implants very precisely.
- In the case of potential breast surgery, a periareolar incision point can be repeated, unlike a transaxillary incision.
The proximity of the breast makes it ideal for creating symmetry and controlling bleeding during the procedure. After the incision, a pocket is formed in the pectoral muscle through which breast implants are placed according to the patient’s preference.
The inframammary cut is slightly more visible when wearing clothes like a bikini top. If for some reason the scar has difficulty healing, it may appear elevated and more conspicuous.
For women with small areolar diameters who are not eligible for a Periareolar incision, the inframammary incisions are the best way to achieve results in breast enlargement that look and feel natural. The surgeon will also use the entry point to create a bag for the implant, and the implant placement will be discussed further in the future. A transaxillary incision is made in the armpit area, but soft tissue pockets can still be created in this way.
Periareolar breast augmentation
A Periareolar incision is an incision made by the surgeon in the centre of the areolar area between the breast and nipple. The cuts are in a circle that is pigmented with a thin layer of silicone, which is usually 3 mm thick.
Depending on the patient and the arriving plastic surgeon, the surgeon can make a fairly frequent incision to place the implant exactly between the areola and the nipple. Another reason why Periareolar incisions are preferred is that they facilitate and make the positioning of the implants more precise, because the breast implants are inserted into the pectoral muscle.
A study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has found that Periareolar incisions are three times more common after breast augmentation. Some of the drawbacks of this website include the possibility of breast cancer and breastfeeding difficulties, as well as the risk of infection.
However, a study published in the same journal several years earlier reported that there was no difference in sensory outcomes after Periareolar or inframammary incisions compared to their non-incisional peers.
Trans-umbilical breast augmentation is a procedure of injection of the breast prosthesis in which the incision is at the umbilicus (navel), which dissects and tunnels superiorly, to allow the positioning of the breast prosthesis to the implant pocket without creating visible surgical scars on the breast hemisphere.
Breast augmentation without scars
In her paper, “Breast Enlargement with Axillary Base," published in the British Journal of Plastic Surgery, Hoehler reported that she performed her new method on 228 women and found that the scars were better hidden than incisions on the nipple. In transaxillary breast augmentation, a surgeon makes a Periareolar or inframammary incision between the areola (the outermost layer of breast tissue) and the implant. The surgeon forms a pocket of breast tissue in which the implants rest and creates channels between the breasts without an incision.
It is easier for doctors to use saline implants because they can be placed in an empty dish or filled with an external syringe. If a patient opts for a saline implant, it is filled in the same way as a Periareolar implant.
With an areolar incision, the surgeon can enlarge the nipple and create a small amount of lift to the breast. Perhaps the most important thing about having a breast implant is that there is a minimal scar below the areola and nipple. As the incisions can be used at the site for both procedures, Dr Mark Duncan-Smith advises patients who are also considering a breast lift to have them done. For more information checkout healthdirect.gov.au.
Does the areola get bigger after breast augmentation?
In most cases following breast augmentation, the areola does not change significantly in duration. Because of the greater volume of the breasts, they can expand somewhat, but it is uncommon for them to get noticeably larger.
Do breast implants look smaller at first?
Patients undergo an inflammatory process shortly after having breast augmentation that causes swelling of the tissues along with relaxing of the chest muscles. The implants appear thinner when the tissues are constricted.
What is the most common breast implant size?
The most popular implant sizes used in breast augmentation range from 200cc (cubic centimetres) to 850cc, even though other sizes are available. Generally, a bigger breast implant would have a larger diameter and increased projection, and a number of profiles and base widths are required with most types of implants.
How long does it take for breast augmentation to fully heal?
It’s important to remember that because the body of a woman is special, there is no definite recovery timetable. Most surgeons, however, believe that a complete recovery will take six weeks or so on average, and women may find that after only a week they feel completely good.
Which incision is best for breast augmentation?
Placing silicone gel implants into an armpit incision is normally NOT advised. Crease on the underside of the breast (inframammary)-The most common incision used and most flexible is an inframammary breast crease incision.
What is a crescent breast lift?
For breasts that have slight sagging, the crescent lift fits well. The operation is typically paired with an augmentation of the breast. A crescent-shaped incision is made by the plastic surgeon along the upper half of the areola. The skin of the crescent is removed and the implants implanted.
How long after breast augmentation can they be touched?
Although there is no harm in gentle fondling, be conscious that following surgery, your breasts will be vulnerable to touch for up to 3 weeks. And note, there’s nothing wrong with your compression bra being held on.
Article References:
Mofid, M Mark M.D.; Klatsky, Stanley A. M.D.; Singh, Navin K. M.D.; Nahabedian, Maurice Y. M.D. Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity after Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison of Periareolar and Inframammary Incision Approaches, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: May 2006 – Volume 117 – Issue 6 – p 1694-1698 doi: 10.1097/01.prs.0000214252.50167.84 https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Fulltext/2006/05000/Nipple_Areola_Complex_Sensitivity_after_Primary.5.aspx
Newman, Ashley N, and Steven P Davison. “Effect of Keller Funnel on the Rate of Capsular Contracture in Periareolar Breast Augmentation.” Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open vol. 6,6 e1834. 18 Jun. 2018, doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001834 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6157951/
Li, S., Chen, L., Liu, W. et al. Capsular Contracture Rate After Breast Augmentation with Periareolar Versus Other Two (Inframammary and Transaxillary) Incisions: A Meta-Analysis. Aesth Plast Surg 42, 32–37 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00266-017-0965-1 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00266-017-0965-1
Jeffrey M. Jacobson, Margaret E. Gatti, Adam D. Schaffner, Lauren M. Hill, Scott L. Spear, Effect of Incision Choice on Outcomes in Primary Breast Augmentation, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 32, Issue 4, May 2012, Pages 456–462, https://doi.org/10.1177/1090820X12444267
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