The Complete Guide to Getting a Neck Lift in Perth

The neck is a part of the body that most people overlook. We don’t value it as much as our eyes, noses, lips, and other prominent facial features. A smooth, elegantly contoured, and graceful neck, on the other hand, enhances your facial appearance in dramatic ways without our knowledge. The symmetry and proportionality of your face are enhanced by a contoured and defined neckline and jawline, which gives your face a sense of strength. Neckbands, sagging skin, a double chin, and the dreaded “turkey wattle," on the other hand, cause extreme self-consciousness and anxiety. 

In this article, we’ll look at why neck lift surgery is necessary, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of having it done. We’ve worked with many patients at CosMedicWest, and we’ve been able to tighten the muscles and skin around the neck to give it a more refined contour and a more youthful appearance. Our surgeons recognize that this is a delicate procedure that necessitates meticulous planning to achieve the desired results.

What is a Neck Lift?

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Affordable Neck lift Perth

Neck develops crepe-like skin, excess fat accumulates (a “Double Chin"), tight bands form in some areas while the tone is lost in others, and a “Turkey Waddle" or turkey-like neck can develop. Excess loose skin that has lost elasticity contributes to an exaggerated older neck appearance in others who have lost significant weight.

A neck lift (Platysmaplasty) is a surgical procedure that reshapes the jawline, smooths the neck, and corrects and lifts crepey skin. A neck lift can include various features and options, all of which are intended to help contour the skin of the face and neck, tighten the underlying tissues and muscles, and remove excess skin.

When used in the right situation, each neck lift technique produces consistent, long-lasting results. The result is a reversal of gravity’s effects and gentle redraping of the soft tissues to restore the neck’s youthful contour. To address both the face and the neck and correct the visible signs of aging, neck lift surgery is frequently combined with a Facelift. The ultimate goal of a neck lift is to appear refreshed, natural, and rested, rather than looking not “done," hollowed out or overly tightened.

Should I Consider Neck Lift Perth Surgery?

When it comes to aesthetic issues of the neck, it is better to have surgery sooner rather than later, as the biological tissues of 40-year-olds have more anatomical integrity (elastin and collagen) than the tissues of sixty- or seventy-year-olds. Call or email us at CosMedicWest to schedule a consultation when you look in the mirror and see something that truly bothers you. It should never be done as a result of peer pressure. Jowls that cross the jawline, sagging “turkey gobbler" skin below the chin, prominent platysmal bands, and general neck laxity are early signs of a normal aging neck.

There are two primary types of neck lifts:

  1. Cervicoplasty: In this procedure, excess skin is surgically removed from the neck.
  2. Platysmaplasty: This procedure reduces the banded appearance of the neck by removing, tightening or realigning the muscles of the neck.

Benefits of Neck Lift Surgery

Generally speaking, the neck lift surgery provides the following improvements:

  • Improves the appearance of the jawline.
  • Removes unwanted fat tissues from the neck.
  • Reduces the formation of a double chin.
  • Excessive wrinkles on the neck are smoothed away.
  • Removes excess skin tissue and loose skin.
  • The platysmal bands, or vertical muscle bands on the neck, are reduced.
  • Skin tissues that are sagging are tightened.
  • Provides a graceful, smooth, and slender neck.

Recovering from a Neck Lift Surgery

After the surgery, you may notice that your neck is tight, but the pain is usually not an issue. There may be some bruising, which will go away in a few weeks. Any scars from the procedure are hidden beneath the chin or around the ear's contours.

During the first few weeks, it's best to avoid lifting heavy objects (including children and pets). Within two weeks, you will notice that your pain, swelling, and bruising have subsided, and their new neck contours are visible. The swelling may take up to three months to subside.

Important post-surgery instructions to follow

  • Certain activities and environments should be avoided.
  • Any problem or unexpected change should be immediately reported to the surgery team, especially signs of infection such as fever, redness, excessive pain, or pus at the incision.
  • Maintain your follow-up appointments.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How Much is a Neck Lift in Australia?

In terms of makeup and anatomical configuration, each patient is unique. As a result, to provide an accurate quote, it is best to schedule a consultation with Dr Mark Duncan-Smith so that he can assess the situation. Photographs can be emailed or sent to the office for patients outside of the Perth metropolitan area, and a phone consultation can then be scheduled.

Is Neck Lift Surgery Right For Me?

Neck lift surgery is used to restore a slimmer and more youthful appearance to the neck. Neck lift surgery candidates do not smoke, are generally good, and have no previous medical conditions that could slow down the healing process. People who will undergo neck lift surgery can restore youthful, defined neck characteristics, but it will not completely transform your appearance or prevent you from aging further. As a result, candidates for neck lifts must have realistic expectations of their outcomes.

What Will My Neck Lift Recovery Be Like?

A neck lift surgery is an outpatient procedure, and after a brief stay in our recovery suite, you can go home. After your surgery, you will not be able to drive yourself home.

Following your surgery, you should rest comfortably with your head elevated for several days. The majority of patients who undergo neck lifts return to work and their regular daily routines within seven to ten days, but vigorous physical activity should be avoided for at least two weeks or until your surgeon has cleared you.

Will My Neck Lift Leave Scars?

Neck lift incisions are made behind the ears and under the chin, easy to hide. While scarring is expected at all incision sites, this scarring is not visible and will fade over time.

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