How To Determine the Appropriate Facelift Procedure For You?
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Today more women and men are considering a facelift surgery or mini face lift to achieve a more youthful appearance.
No longer do you have to worry about it being apparent that you have had plastic surgery Perth. With modern techniques and over 20 years experience there is a subtle way to turn back the time.
Having performed so many facelift surgeries, Dr Mark Duncan-Smith commented that many facelift patients say their family and friends say they look more youthful, refreshed and more vibrant. He said patients still feeling like themselves, just more energetic and less tired.
Facelift surgery restores a more pleasing contour to your face and neck. A mini-facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as fat injection, forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping. Ask Dr. Mark Duncan-Smith and the specialists at CosMedicWest about the facelift procedure that is right for you, they are leaders for facelift surgery in Perth & Western Australia.
It’s important to note that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
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Are you a Facelift Surgery Candidate?
If your face and neck have started to sag, you may be a good candidate for facial surgery with a regular face lift or mini-facelift.
Dr. Mark Duncan-Smith can assess your skin’s elasticity, your complexion and help you determine the appropriate procedure for you. Remember, facelift surgery has been successfully performed on patients as young as 40 years old and as old as 80 years old.
Your general health will be assessed prior to any anticipated surgery. You should bring your medical records with you at your consultation.
How Long Does a Facelift Perth Last & How Can I Extend Facelift Results?
A facelift Perth surgically elevates sagging tissues and re-adjusts the contours of an aging face caused by fat accumulation or fat degeneration.
The main contributors to the appearance of an aging face are lax facial tissues of the neck, and jowls and brow. Sagging tissues causing loss of jaw and neck definition is corrected by re-suspension of the platysma muscle and tightening and anchoring the SMAS (subcutaneous muscular aponeurotic system).
All scars are hidden as much as possible within the hairline and in front of and behind the ear as well as under the chin.
To provide an estimate, the most common age for facelifts in women is 40-60 and for men it is 50-65.
Skin aging with wrinkles and loss of elasticity and collagen is dealt with by resurfacing during or after a facelift.
The benefits of a Facelift
A facelift procedure aims to improve the appearance of sagging or loose skin, wrinkles, and deep creases. The tightening and removal of excess facial skin creates a youthful and rejuvenated look via a very common cosmetic surgical procedure.
The primary benefits of a facelift Perth include;
- Conceal deep creases under the eyes, if an eyelid operation or brow lift is also performed
- Reduced sagging of affected and treated areas, by a mild to moderate amount
- Reduced folds and creases in other areas of the face and neck
- Greater definition of the jawline
- Less sagging in the neck
- You should be in good health with normal exercise tolerance and blood pressure to be the ideal candidate for the operative procedure.
Combinations with Other Facial Procedures
It’s very common to combine a facelift with another procedure to achieve or enhance certain results. During your first consultation with Dr. Mark Duncan-Smith these options can be assessed.
A facelift will focus on the lower two-thirds of the face, however, if the forehead or eyes also require attention, you may wish to consider one of the following options;
A Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, which targets ageing around the eye on both or either of the upper or lower eyelid.
A Brow Lift which will tighten the skin on the forehead raising the brow to create a more youthful look
A Neck lift, which is a very common procedure to combine with almost all facelifts.
Facial fat grafting which restores volume by using your own fat to fill contours lost with ageing and sometimes we add cheek or chin implants.
Eyelid surgery and brow-lifts are considered complementary to each other. Drooping brows can cause a fold of loose skin to hang beyond the lid margin.
If gravity has been the cause of fullness in the upper lid, however, then a brow-lift surgery may be more appropriate. Eyelid surgery often has longer lasting results when done in conjunction with a brow lift.
Blepharoplasty will not necessarily remove all crow’s feet or wrinkles from around the eyes, in which case injectable fillers may be required.
Dr Mark Duncan-Smith experience ensures that you will have the best possible facelift experience and professional consultation that is respectful of your goals and concerns.
Facelift and Necklift
What is Involved With the Procedure?
When many people think of facelift surgery, they tend to think about processes that were used in the earlier days of the surgery, in which wrinkled skin was stretched to create a smoother surface. These days however, there are more advanced modern techniques which are used to reshape the layers of connective tissue under the skin, which don’t involve similar stretching techniques.
While the process for this procedure will vary between patients based on their needs and how their tissue will be manipulated, trimmed, folded and then fixed in place, the aim of the procedure is uniformly to achieve a natural, youthful appearance usually with discreet incisions to minimise scarring. For a facelift operation, patients will be placed under general anaesthetic and twilight anaesthesia.
Facelift Options in Perth
The full facelift Perth is a comprehensive procedure that addresses the entire face and neck. The areas of focus of course, will depend on the individual’s condition and desired outcome.
The facelift operation elevates and re-drapes the facial skin and underlying musculature to eliminate laxity and sagging. The operation can be designed to correct problems in the neck, under the jaw and/or chin and in the cheeks.
Mid – Facelift
The midface lift (addresses sagging in the cheek or middle third of the face) tends to be popular in the younger facelift patient whereas the older patients tend to require a full facelift to address ageing in the lower two thirds of the face.
Mini Facelift
Mini face-lift is a term used to describe a moderate tightening of the cheeks and jowls and neck usually with a smaller incision and no incision under the chin. Best usually at about 40-50 year of age.
Are you a good fit for a mini facelift?
Indications that a mini facelift may be appropriate include:
- Usually for a younger person, 40-55 yrs old
- Mild to moderate face laxity
- Mild upper neck laxity with facial laxity
Facelift Misconceptions
Facelifting has come a long way from the old style of operation that gave patients a ‘pulled’ or a ‘stretched’ look, which is a concern for some patients that can see the benefits of a facelift but are concerned about the outcomes of the procedure.
Correctly performed facelifts by an experienced surgeon offer longer-lasting and natural looking effects.
The goal is to restore a natural facial appearance without the stigma of an operation. It is critical, however, that the procedure is carefully individualised for each patient.
At CosMedicWest, we use photographs of patients from their younger years as a guide for achieving the most realistic and suitable result possible. This can also vary depending on the age of the patient as to which style of the procedure will be performed.
Dr. Mark Duncan-Smith, aims to achieve a more natural looking aesthetic, that is not overdone and works naturally with the contours of your face. The primary goal is to restore the tissues to where they were previously, which is why the use of past photographs during consultations is very important.
Facelift Potential Complications
The major complication to avoid postoperatively is a haematoma or having blood collect under the skin flaps of the face. We offset this risk with a specialised clinical nurse who stabilises the blood pressure of all facelift patients to reduce anxiety or discomfort. This nurse can detect if hematoma has formed, in which case it can be quickly averted without any negative effect on the results of the facelift surgery.
Along with this, there is the risk of bruising and swelling in all patients which are normal and will vary from patient to patient based on the extent of the surgery. These bruises and swelling can also be minimised by early ice application and bandaging, with most patients returning to work after about two weeks.
Some patients may also feel depressed during the postoperative period; however, confidence will be restored with time as your rejuvenated and more youthful appearance settles in.
Caution of Cheap Facelift Procedures Overseas
Some practitioners in Thailand, Bali and India offer a different range of facelift procedures which could include the use of threading, a technique which lifts the structure of the face with sutures under the skin. The results are transitory and rarely satisfy Australian patients.
The “silhouette” lift is a newer thread lift procedure which includes the use of absorbable sutures. These absorbable sutures are said to cause fewer problems than the permanent varieties; however, the results from this procedure still don’t last more than a year, limiting its effectiveness.
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Facelift Perth FAQS
How much is a face lift and neck lift in Perth?
Facelift Cost: Price is on request.
How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Facelift?
The surgery is done as either day surgery , or more commonly overnight surgery as the cost differential is minimal. Dressings are removed the next morning after review by Mr. Duncan-Smith and a face and neck ‘sling’ garment is worn. This is provided as part of the surgery costs, and you are educated on how it is worn.
The ‘sling garment’ is worn full time for the first week, and then only when at home for the 2 weeks after that.
If you want to be presentable to people and they not know that you have had surgery, then you have to hibernate for 7 to 10 days after the surgery.
From an exercise point of view, no strenuous exercise in the first week, then increasing low impact in the second and third weeks. After 3 weeks, a more normal exercise routine can be commenced, increasing in a sensible fashion over a few weeks.
What are the steps in a facelift procedure?
Incisions are generally around and behind the ears. The skin is elevated in the fat level deep to it, forward from the ear. Once elevated, the SMAS layer is elevated to allow a flap of the fascia to be elevated in front of the ear lobe. This is then lifted almost vertically to be attached to the periosteum ( bone covering ) in front of the upper part of the ear / posterior part of the cheek. This provides a solid anchor point, with the SMAS plicated in the cheek to give more lift and natural cheek fullness. The neck tissues are then plicated back to give a better definition to the front of the neck and reduce anterior neck looseness / turkey gobbler.
If there is extreme banding at the front of the neck, sometimes a small incision is made under the chin also to allow access to that area.
It is rare now to do a face and neck lift without some fat injection to the cheeks, nasolabial and marionette lines. This is typically done last, prior to using dissolving sutures to close all of the access points.
Will there be any scarring?
There is a fine scar around the ear and behind the ear that typically settles very well. It is often only visible on close inspection, and it would be unusual to be able to see the scars from across a table for example.
How Can I Get Rid Of My Sagging Jowls?
Facelift should really be called face and neck lift. The jowls typically have descended from the face and a mini facelift is very good at specifically targeting these.
How Long Will A Facelift Last?
Facelifts do last into the long term.
A patient after a facelift typically looks fresher and less tired. This equates to a younger look.
My patients in the past have said they look anywhere from 5 to 20 years younger, and their family and friends have confirmed that to them.
I try to underpromise and over deliver, so if we take the 5 year improvement for an example, if someone has the facelift aged 55, they now look 50. As everyone continues to age, in 5 years they will look 55 again. Hence at one level you could say the facelift only lasted 5 years. However, they will still look 5 years younger into the long term as the underlying tissue in the face and neck has been been put back where it was originally.
Will a Facelift Fix My Saggy Neck?
Facelift should really be called face and neck lift. The jowls typically have descended from the face and a mini facelift is very good at specifically targeting these.
If there is extreme banding at the front of the neck, sometimes a small incision is made under the chin also to allow access to that area.
The neck tissues are then plicated back to give a better definition to the front of the neck and reduce anterior neck looseness / turkey gobbler.
What Is The Best Time To Have a Facelift?
There is no prescribed ‘best time’ to have a facelift. Ultimately, it is when the changes with aging bother the patient enough to present and request improvement. It is often at a point when they look in the mirror and see a person much older and less energetic than the person they feel inside.
They may ask themselves:
Who is that person looking back at me in the mirror?
Is that really what I look like?
At what age should I be considering having facelift surgery?
When you are asking the questions above, or you reach a point where you feel you want to explore your options.
Not everyone needs a facelift, and having been injecting fillers and wrinkle relaxers, these options always from part of my assessment for a patient’s individual treatment plan.
As I do filler and wrinkle relaxers all the way through to face and neck lift, I am not going to try to overstretch any given technique.
The phrase ‘if all you have is a hammer, the whole world is a nail’ does not apply to my individualised treatment plans.
Clinical Photographs
Mini Face Lift with fat injections
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